Authorised service for Saab cars.

It is only our authorised Parts and Service Centres who can offer Saab-authorised expertise, Saab Original Parts and Saab Original Service. This means they are the ones who can ensure that Saab cars remains 100% Saab.

Keep your Saab the way it was built

At Saab we understand that as Saab cars grow older they may need a simpler form of service. That’s why we have the Saab Fixed Price Service.

It offers a low cost alternative to the standard service. All the basic checks on your Saab are covered and only Saab Original Parts are used.  These are parts for Saabs that are rigorously tested, fit perfectly first time and carry a three year warranty.

Regular service of your Saab help reduce the risk of breakdowns, and by using a Saab Authorised Service Centre you can be assured your Saab is in safe hands.

Contact your authorised workshop today >

Our history

In 1947 Svenska Aeroplan AB (Saab) presented the “Original Saab” – the Saab 92. Since then, one classic model after another have left the factory at Trollhättan. That means that while there are no new Saab cars being produced, the legacy lives on with Saab Original.

Behind the Saab Original brand is Orio AB – formally Saab Automobile Parts, with roots going back into the Saab history for over 70 years. Because of our long history with Saab, we have unique experience and technical expertise when it comes to these cars. We are a modern, global spare parts and logistics company, that markets, sells and distributes Saab Original parts in over 60 countries all over the world.